AddsValue Personal Enterprise Coaching

Clutter.  Stress.  Overwhelm.

These are the things that stop most people from doing and achieving the important things in their lives.

They say that most people lives lives of quiet desperation.

You may have even noticed that most people are playing average in whatever game they are playing.

There’s a reason for that.

In the process of life, under the influence of culture and  being manipulated by politics, we settle for what we are given.

We only ever take the low hanging fruit.

We let go of our dreams and embrace a life of mediocracy.

We forget what inspires us, what moves us and what means something to us.

Every now and then, something bubbles up from deep within you.

It starts off like an irritating itch.

As if it’s trying to get your attention, it grows and starts to affect the way you live your life, the way you do your work.

You might even reach the stage where the law of diminishing returns kick in.

That’s where the more effort and the harder you work at something, the less results you create.

When things get bad enough

You start thinking about seeing a coach, someone who can help you get the best out of yourself.

Someone who can help you understand what’s happening.

Someone who can help you focus on what’s important to you.

Someone who listens to you and hears what’s going on and who helps you hear what’s going on.

When you meet with your coach

You share what’s important to you, you lay it all out.

Like its the first time you see it – you have the experience of Clarity.

You rediscover your inspiration, a refreshing spring in a dry desert.

You realise it’s possible for you to achieve.

You remember who you are.

You remember what’s important.

You meet yourself again.

Then your journey begins

Your reward is received immediately.

Your heart is pumping, you feel alive again,

Nothing has changed in your daily life…except you.

Your eye is on a bigger prize, your focus is intense,

There appears to be more energy and more urgency,

The world of the mundane, isn’t sucking the life out of you every day,

Every session you meet yourself, an old friend you’d cast away,

Who fills you with elixir, hope and purpose is regained.

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You’ll find that I’m one of those people who can help you meet up with yourself again.  email me for a complimentary first meeting